Sponsor an Elephant!

Help us, help them.

As a registered Cambodian NGO and non-profit organization, donor funds are what keep everything running here. We could not accomplish the work we do without the generous efforts of our supporters and visitors. We are committed to providing a better life for these amazing elephants.

Join our mission and sponsor your favorite elephant! You can choose to sponsor monthly or make a one off donation to your favourite ele! When you become an Ele Sponsor you will receive a beautiful sponsorship certificate by email, periodic updates by email, and your name added to our donor wall of fame!

Sponsorship is a great way to stay involved before and after your visit and make great gifts for loved ones!

Sponsor an elephant by visiting our elephants page and choosing your favourite elephant 🙂 

Once you have chosen your favourite elephant, click through from their page, or the link below to complete the sponsorship sign up form and payment 🙂 

NOTE: Because of new privacy laws, all donation will be set automatically to anonymous, please check the box to share your name so we can match your donation with your sponsorship or donation.