Ning Wan
Late 50’s
2.8 TonsÂ
Favorite Food
Tree Roots
Retired with her family care to EVPÂ
Ning Wan came to the Elephant Valley Project in March 2011. She is from the village of Putrom, which is beside the sanctuary, but as she used to move around a lot, she was known to us as the mystery elephant for many years.
It took two years of negotiation to bring her to the sanctuary and retire her, as the 11 families that owned her were unwilling to  keep her permanently at the sanctuary. Here at the EVP we have found it is very difficult to claim that an elephant is ‘retired or rescued’ unless it is permanently living at the sanctuary but in the case of Ning Wan we managed to organize this successfully.
So now the EVP gives compensation to Ning Wan’s 11 different owners and it is agreed that one family at a time provides a mahout to take care of Ning Wan.
She is an elephant that represents the true love the Bunong here in Mondulkiri do have for their elephants.
Ning Wan is a happy, gentle elephant who is skilled in forest skills and natural elephant behavior. She is much beloved by all and she has wonderfully taken on protecting the very troubled elephants Mae Nang and Pearl. She shows very strong matriarchal behavior and leads her herd dubbed the four “Heaven Girls”.
Come for a visit and say hello to her yourself!Â